Mudefri (Museo del Design Friuli Venezia Giulia) is a virtual museum born in 2016 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. Mudefri focuses mainly on local design but also keeps its eyes wide open to international design.

The goal of this rebrand was to create a strong, flexible and modern visual identity, able to strengthen the presence of the museum both physically and digitally and to visually connect the new identity to that of Udine Design Week (organized by the museum itself).

The two identities share the exact same logo but from a different perspective. Mudefri uses a black and white color palette with some color accents, while Udine Design Week uses a lively palette of 7 distinct colors to create more involvement and playfulness during the design week.

The entire concept revolves around the pixel, a classic reference to the digital/virtual world. The logo, together with the custom-designed display font, becomes the key element that instantly captures the attention of the observer and emphasizes its digital nature.


